Postdoc – Experiment, Particle and Nuclear Division, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, SJTU

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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The particle experimental group in the Particle and Nuclear Division of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) [] invites applications for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in the areas of experimental particle physics.

Presently, TDLI particle and nuclear physics division has two main experimental groups focusing on the following areas:

Underground Experimental Group:

1. Cosmic Neutrino Experiment (TRIDENT, JUNO, IceCube )

2. Dark Matter Direct Detection and neutrinoless double beta decay (PandaX)

3. Reactor Neutrino Experiment (JUNO)

Faculty members involved are: Profs. Donglian Xu and Jianglai Liu.

Collider Experiment Group:

1. LHC/ATLAS Physics and Detector Upgrade.

2. CEPC R&D.

3. Fundamental Precision Measurements.

4. Light Dark Matter Search Experiment.

5. Advanced Accelerator Study.

Faculty members involved are Profs. Kim Siang Khaw, Shu Li, Kun Liu, Dao Xiang, Haijun Yang.

The initial appointment is for 2 years, starting from the Fall of 2022, with possible renewal for a third year. The TDLI offers a competitive salary (comparable to same-level positions in USA). Exceptional candidates will be considered for the TDLI Post-doctoral Fellowships, which can also provide 100,000CNY in start-up funds. All post-docs will be supported to apply for external research fund.

Applications should be submitted through Academic Jobs Online system and must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae including information on date of birth and date receiving the PhD degree, research statement, publication list, and at least three reference letters. Full consideration will be given to complete applications received before March 1, 2022. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

TDLI has an internationalized environment with English as its working language, and invites candidates of all nationalities. The TDLI seeks to promote equal opportunity and diversity in physics. Members of under-represented groups in physics are particularly encouraged to apply.

For inquires about the position and TDLI, please contact Ms. Zi Yang ( For details about research projects, please contact Prof. Donglian Xu ( for underground experiment group and Prof. Kun Liu ( for collider experiment group. You can also approach any of the faculty members for inquires.

Research at TDLI is closely connected with the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (INPAC) at SJTU (, where more postdoc positions in these areas are available.
Category: High Energy Physics

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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 23 Jobs
  • Location Shanghai
  • Full Address 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China
  • Website