Faculty and Postdoc Positions in Center of Artificial Photosynthesis for Solar Fuels, Westlake University

Westlake University

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Faculty and Postdoc Positions in Center of Artificial Photosynthesis for Solar Fuels, Westlake University

Category: Faculty


Location: Yungu, Hangzhou, CN

Employment Type: Full-time


Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Please submit your application as a complete package, including all requested documents, faculty applications please submit to talents@westlake.edu.cn, and Postdoc applications please submit to sun_lab@westlake.edu.cn.

Founded in 2018, Westlake University is a new type of non-profit research-oriented university in Hangzhou, China. Preceded by the Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, Westlake University is creating a stimulating, world-class environment for research and education in science, engineering and technology, and the life sciences.


Center of Artificial Photosynthesis for Solar Fuels (CAP for Solar Fuels @Westlake) is a newly founded university level research center. This center aims to drive a conceptual transition from presently fossil fuels based society to a future solar fuels based society, by conducting fundamental research in the fields of natural and artificial photosynthesis, and developing related technologies for solar energy conversion systems. The founding director of CAP for Solar Fuels @Westlake is Licheng Sun, a recently appointed chair professor in Chemistry, School of Science, Westlake University.

CAP for Solar Fuels @Westlake seeks exceptional scholars in all areas of:

–    Mechanism of O-O bond formation in OEC (oxygen evolution complex), Photosystem II

–    Design and synthesis of highly efficient and robust water oxidation catalysts based on earth abundant elements

–    (Photo)electrochemical driven CO2 reduction

–    (Photo)electrochemical driven N2 reduction

–    (Photo)electrochemical driven synthesis of fine chemicals using water as oxygen and hydrogen source

–    Novel materials for new generation optoelectronics


If you believe you are among the best in your chosen research field, you may wish to consider an exciting career opportunity at CAP for Solar Fuels @Westlake.


–    Faculty positions are open at levels of Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.

–    Postdoc positions in the above mentioned research areas are also available.

–    All faculty at CAP for Solar Fuels @Westlake receive an internationally competitive salary and benefits package that includes a generous housing allowance and a premium medical care plan for the entire family. Benefits have been structured to match or exceed those offered by elite private universities in the US.


–    Each faculty member is provided with an internationally competitive start-up package to ensure maximum freedom and creativity in pushing the envelope of human knowledge. The package includes long-term research funding, ample laboratory space, modern research equipment, technical and clerical support, and stable funding for graduate students and postdocs.

–    Research disciplines at CAP for Solar Fuels @Westlake include, but are not limited to: coordination chemistry, homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysis, material chemistry, electrochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, semiconductor photophysics.


Faculty applications please send to talents@westlake.edu.cn

Application Documents:

–    Cover letter

–    Curriculum vitae – your up-to-date CV with publication list

–    Statement of research interests and proposed research topics (3-5 pages)

–    Arrange for 3 letters of reference (to be sent by referees directly to the above email address)


Postdoc applications please send to sun_lab@westlake.edu.cn

Application Documents:

–    Curriculum vitae – your up-to-date CV with publication list

–    Arrange for 2 letters of reference (to be sent by referees directly to the above email address)


For more information, please visit: https://en.westlake.edu.cn/academics/School_of_Science/Chemistry/Our_Faculty/202004/t20200424_3201.shtml

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