Research Chair (Senior Group Leader) Positions at Tsinghua Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence (THBI)

Tsinghua University

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Tsinghua Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence (THBI) is conducting a global search for Research Chairs (Senior Group Leaders) at the rank of tenured Associate Professor or Full Professor in the areas of systems and computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cognitive science and neuro-technology. THBI is an interdisciplinary research institute that aims to answer foundational questions about the biological basis of intelligence and its applications in computations and artificial intelligence systems. To this end, we are recruiting outstanding researchers from a wide range of areas, including but not limited to artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer science, neuroscience (behavioral, developmental, computational and systems) and neuroengineering, systems biology, and cognitive science. 

Applicants should have a strong, internationally recognized track record of scientific research in their respective field(s), as well as a keen interest in cross-disciplinary collaborations. Research Chairs at THBI are expected to lead an active research group as well as to collaborate with other THBI investigators toward the common goal of understanding the nature of intelligence. Research Chairs will be provided with an internationally competitive salary and benefits package, a generous start-up fund and an annual operation fund, adequate laboratory space, as well as technical and personnel supports. THBI faculty do not have mandatory teaching duty. 

Successful candidates are selected based on their scientific qualifications regardless of age, gender, nationality, or ethnicity. Knowledge of Chinese is not required. THBI is a global institute with an English-speaking work environment. Applications are considered on a rolling basis till the positions are filled.

About THBI and Tsinghua University

Tsinghua Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence (THBI) is a new stand-alone interdisciplinary research institute established by Tsinghua University. The institute aims to answer foundational questions about the nature of intelligence—in mind, brain, and artificial systems— through cutting edge, interdisciplinary research efforts. THBI brings together domestic and international scholars from a broad range of fields in the areas of brain science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. THBI will house 10 independent research groups. Research Chairs receive generous funding and research space to build their research teams and laboratory facilities.  

In addition to individual laboratory spaces, all THBI investigators have access to state-of-the-art research facilities operated by the institute. Currently, THBI facilities include the Non-Human Primate Research Center that will house common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and support behavioral, physiological and transgenic studies; the Brain Imaging Center, with two high-performance magnetic resonance imaging systems (Siemens Prisma 3T and Bruker 9.4T scanners); and the Child Cognition Center—a large and fully equipped developmental laboratory for infants and young children. We are continually expanding and THBI Chairs are expected to help shape the establishment of our research facilities. 

THBI is housed within Tsinghua University, which is routinely ranked number 1 among Chinese universities and in the top 3 in Asia. Tsinghua is a vibrant research and academic community, particularly in science and engineering, and attracts the best students from all over China and beyond. Tsinghua’s standing also confers ample funding opportunities, both within and outside the university—at the municipal and national levels, as well as from private donors. The university offers housing and childcare support, such as guaranteed access to top rank public schools from kindergarten to Grade 12. Tsinghua-affiliated elementary, middle and high schools include an optional bilingual track intended for children of international faculty. 

Tsinghua University is located in the northwest of Beijing, which houses several top universities and is a major hub of China’s robust high-tech industry. This offers multiple channels for industry collaborations as well as excellent job opportunities for spouses/families relocating to Beijing. The city of Beijing is one of the most vibrant cities in the world, with excellent public transport, access to all conveniences of a major metropolis, a great number of public parks and impressive historical sights, as well as proximity to nature and mountains. The city is extremely well-connected, both domestically and internationally. Beijing also offers top-quality public and private education. There are many highly established international schools, though children of Tsinghua faculty have guaranteed access to Tsinghua-affiliated schools from kindergarten through high school, all considered among the best in the country.


Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests and future plans, and the names and contact information of three references to> and>.Review of applications is ongoing and will continue until positions are filled. 

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