Jiujiang Archives - China University Jobs https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/job-location/jiujiang/ Job Positions at Chinese university and academic institution Fri, 15 Sep 2023 05:40:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cropped-cuj-logo方-512-min-32x32.png Jiujiang Archives - China University Jobs https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/job-location/jiujiang/ 32 32 Japanese Teacher https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/jobs/jju-japanese-teacher/ Sat, 15 Apr 2023 03:10:17 +0000 https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/?post_type=noo_job&p=65656 外国語学院は元九江財経高等専門学校、九江師範高等専門学校、九江医学高等専門学校、九江教育学院の外国語学部が2004年7月に合併して設立され、現在は江西省外国語学会副会長単位、江西省比較文学学会副会長単位、江西省翻訳協会理事単位である。 学院の下に事務室、教育科学研究管理科、学生管理科、思政教育科、言語実験教育センターなどの5つの機能科、英語教研室、ビジネス英語教研室、日本語小言語教研室、翻訳教研室、大学英語第1、第2、第3、第4教研室などの8つの教研室及び国学翻訳館、博士工房などの教育科学研究機関が設置され、現在、英語、ビジネス英語、翻訳、日本語学部4学科、在校生2225人。 学院の教員は力が強く、現在教職員は179人で、その中に専任教員は150人、教授は5人、助教授は52人、実験師は2人、博士24人、博士2人、修士112人、兼職修士指導教員2人、江西省中青年中堅教師2人、九江市「双百双千」のリーダー人材1人。 学院は専門と学科の建設を非常に重視しており、2021年の第2回専門総合評価では、英語と日本語の専門成績が喜ばしく、その中で英語の専門は4つ星専門に評価され、師範専門2級認証を通過した。ここ数年来、国家社会科学基金プロジェクト2項目、全国教育科学計画特別課題3項目、省級課題50項目、学校級各種課題30項目余りを承認された、学術専門書、訳著、教材10余部を出版し、学術論文800余編を発表し、そのうちの多くは人民代表大会のコピー資料に転載され、あるいは『外国語教育』、『外国語研究』、『外国語電化教育』、『外国語学刊』、『中国翻訳』、『江西社会科学』などの権威ある刊行物に発表された、江西省社会優秀成果賞三等賞1項、省級教育成果二等賞1項、学校級一流課程7科目、学校級教育成果一等賞3項を受賞した、特許を取得した実用新案特許は10件余り。17人の青年教師が「外教社杯」全国大学英語教師講義コンテストで受賞した。  

The post Japanese Teacher appeared first on China University Jobs.






The post Japanese Teacher appeared first on China University Jobs.

Jiujiang University Jiangxi Province,Jiujiang
English Teacher https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/jobs/jju-english-teacher/ Sat, 15 Apr 2023 03:08:37 +0000 https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/?post_type=noo_job&p=65654 The School of Foreign Languages was established in July 2004 by the merger of the Foreign Languages Department of the former Jiujiang Finance and Economics College, Jiujiang Normal College, Jiujiang Medical College, and Jiujiang Education College. It is now the Vice President Unit of Jiangxi Foreign Languages Society, the Vice President Unit of Jiangxi Comparative Literature Society, and the Director

The post English Teacher appeared first on China University Jobs.

The School of Foreign Languages was established in July 2004 by the merger of the Foreign Languages Department of the former Jiujiang Finance and Economics College, Jiujiang Normal College, Jiujiang Medical College, and Jiujiang Education College. It is now the Vice President Unit of Jiangxi Foreign Languages Society, the Vice President Unit of Jiangxi Comparative Literature Society, and the Director Unit of Jiangxi Translation Association.

The college has five functional departments, including the Office, Teaching and Research Management Department, Student Management Department, Ideological and Political Education Department, and Language Experimental Teaching Center. There are eight teaching and research departments, including the English Teaching and Research Department, Business English Teaching and Research Department, Japanese Small Language Teaching and Research Department, Translation Teaching and Research Department, College English First, Second, Third, and Fourth Teaching and Research Departments, as well as teaching and research institutions such as the National Studies Translation Center and Doctoral Studio. Currently, there are English, Business English, Translation Four undergraduate majors in Japanese, with 2225 students enrolled.

The college has a strong faculty, with 179 faculty members, including 150 full-time teachers, 5 professors, 52 associate professors, and 2 experimenters; 24 doctoral students, 2 current doctoral students, and 112 master’s students; 2 part-time master’s supervisors, 2 middle-aged and young backbone teachers in Jiangxi Province, and 1 leading talent in Jiujiang City’s “Double Hundred and Double Thousand” program.

The post English Teacher appeared first on China University Jobs.

Jiujiang University Jiangxi Province,Jiujiang
Cambodian Researcher https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/jobs/jju-cambodian-researcher/ Wed, 15 Feb 2023 03:31:11 +0000 https://www.chinauniversityjobs.com/?post_type=noo_job&p=65658 九江学院柬埔寨研究中心于2017年5月成立,同年获批教育部“国别和区域研究备案中心”,前身是九江学院柬埔寨历史文化研究中心,是国内较早从事柬埔寨国别研究的机构之一。中心宗旨是建设成为一个学科综合、队伍一流、管理先进的集学术研究、人才培养、政策咨询、国际交流为一体的柬埔寨国别研究机构,以学术服务于国家外交、地方建设及学校发展。中心现有专职研究人员五名,校内外兼职研究人员及顾问十六名,前中国驻柬埔寨大使张金凤任名誉主任,陈春生副校长兼任常务副主任,王贤淼副教授负责日常具体事务。 九江学院依托国侨办九江华文基地和柬埔寨孔子学院两个平台,早在2000年伊始,就致力于与柬埔寨社会各界建立广泛和密切的联系,进行中华语言文化的推介与交流,推动中柬友好关系的发展和溯源研讨。2009年,九江学院与柬埔寨王家研究院合作建立柬埔寨王家研究院孔子学院,由时任国家副主席习近平亲自揭牌,现已辐射全柬,并在柬埔寨总理府、参议院、文化艺术部、旅游部、陆军学院及多所大中院校设立了孔子课堂或教学点,在柬埔寨社会各界树立了良好的口碑。2010年始,九江学院每年都要派专家赴柬参加相关学术和专题研讨会,近十年来,陆续在柬出版了《诺罗敦·西哈努克时代的中柬关系》(2016)、《千年友好—中柬友好关系史话(中古时代)》(2012)等一系列著作,产生了一批有一定影响的科研成果。2017年5月柬埔寨研究中心正式成立之后,以教育部国别和区域研究工作部署为指导,进一步整合校内外学术资源,致力于柬埔寨政治、历史、文化、宗教等方面的跨学科研究。 招聘: 柬埔寨 研究中心 历史学(东南亚史);国际政治学(亚太政治);文化人类学与民俗学;传播学(国际传播;跨文化传播);与柬埔寨研究相关的其它专业 博士 联系人:赵主任,电话:15279202642 (同微信); 邮箱:53289869@qq.com   The Cambodia Research Center of Jiujiang University was established in May 2017 and was approved by the Ministry of Education as the “Country and Regional Research Filing Center” in the same year. Its predecessor was the Cambodia History and Culture Research Center of Jiujiang University, which was one of

The post Cambodian Researcher appeared first on China University Jobs.




柬埔寨 研究中心 历史学(东南亚史);国际政治学(亚太政治);文化人类学与民俗学;传播学(国际传播;跨文化传播);与柬埔寨研究相关的其它专业 博士

联系人:赵主任,电话:15279202642 (同微信); 邮箱:53289869@qq.com


The Cambodia Research Center of Jiujiang University was established in May 2017 and was approved by the Ministry of Education as the “Country and Regional Research Filing Center” in the same year. Its predecessor was the Cambodia History and Culture Research Center of Jiujiang University, which was one of the earliest institutions in China to engage in Cambodia’s national research. The purpose of the center is to build a Cambodian national research institution that integrates academic research, talent cultivation, policy consultation, and international exchange, with a comprehensive discipline, first-class team, and advanced management. It will serve national diplomacy, local construction, and school development with academic services. The center currently has five full-time researchers, sixteen part-time researchers and consultants both inside and outside the school. Former Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia, Zhang Jinfeng, serves as honorary director, Vice President Chen Chunsheng also serves as executive deputy director, and Associate Professor Wang Xianmiao is responsible for daily specific affairs.

Jiujiang University, relying on the Jiujiang Chinese Language Base of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Confucius Institute of Cambodia, has been committed to establishing extensive and close contacts with various sectors of Cambodian society since the beginning of 2000, promoting and exchanging Chinese language and culture, and promoting the development and tracing of friendly relations between China and Cambodia. Since 2010, Jiujiang University has sent experts to Cambodia every year to participate in relevant academic and thematic seminars. Over the past decade, a series of works have been published in Cambodia, including “Sino Cambodia Relations during the Norodon Sihanouk Era” (2016) and “Millennium Friendship – A History of Sino Cambodia Friendship Relations (Middle Ages)” (2012), producing a number of influential scientific research achievements. After the official establishment of the Cambodian Research Center in May 2017, guided by the deployment of national and regional research work by the Ministry of Education, it further integrated academic resources both inside and outside the school, and is committed to interdisciplinary research in Cambodia’s politics, history, culture, religion, and other aspects.


History of the Cambodian Research Center (Southeast Asian History); International Politics (Asia Pacific Politics); Cultural anthropology and folklore; Communication studies (international communication; cross-cultural communication); PhD in other fields related to Cambodian research

Contact person: Director Zhao, Tel: 15279202642 (same as WeChat); Email: 53289869@qq.com

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Jiujiang University Jiangxi Province,Jiujiang