China University Jobs Job Positions at Chinese university and academic institution Sat, 05 Aug 2023 06:53:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1方-512-min-32x32.png China University Jobs 32 32 Luke Prosper, Lecturer at Shenzhen University Sat, 05 Aug 2023 06:46:47 +0000 By: School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University My name is Luke Prosper, and I work for the School of Foreign Languages. I teach English at Shenzhen University. 我是Luke Prosper,是深圳大学外国语学院的一名英语教师。 My first trip to China was back in 2004, and I’ve been captivated ever since. I’ve been north, south, east, west, and I’ve been all over China, and I really really

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By: School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University

My name is Luke Prosper, and I work for the School of Foreign Languages. I teach English at Shenzhen University.

我是Luke Prosper,是深圳大学外国语学院的一名英语教师。

My first trip to China was back in 2004, and I’ve been captivated ever since. I’ve been north, south, east, west, and I’ve been all over China, and I really really love working in Shenzhen. It’s a beautiful city, and right in the middle of this beautiful energetic city is Shenzhen University


Shenzhen University is my dream job. Long before I came on staff, I would attend English Corner and I would work with student groups, volunteer groups and things like that. I was always impressed with the open-mindedness and the friendliness of Shenzhen University students. If I’m gonna work somewhere, I want work somewhere like Shenzhen University.


Several years after, I came to Shenzhen, I left Shenzhen, and came back, and I was looking at what direction do I want my life to go. And at the time, I had a choice between working for a tech company and working here at the university. I was interviewed at both. The tech company, the financial benefits would have been really great, but when I went to that environment, it was gray and dark blue, and I saw the look of the faces of the workers, and I realized that I couldn’t be happy working in this kind of environment. On the other hand, I came to Shenzhen University, and there I was surrounded by nature, and sunshine, and the students were smiling, and (I thought) this is where I want to be, and so I made my choice, and I’ve never regretted it.


I really enjoy working at Shenzhen University. My own unique gifts and talents are able to come to play. And I’m able to do something that I believe is meaningful. Another benefit of working at Shenzhen University is the flexibility. Back in 2018, my son was diagnosed with leukemia. At the beginning it’s really hard. We had to have somebody at the hospital all the time. And so my wife would go and spend the day at the hospital, and I would come from work and go to the hospital and sleep there and then come back to work the next morning. And my wife would switch me out again. My department really worked hard to make sure that I could, that my workload was able to handle that. And it was a great blessing at that time.


In 2020, my son relapsed, and we had to do a bone marrow transplant. During that time, it was really difficult. I was the one who was with him in the hospital. And I spent over 40 days in a room with no windows, taking care of him, not knowing whether or not he was going to live or die. During that time, the people at the school were very very helpful. People like our vice-president Zhang Xiaohong, who approved my leave and who helped me to cover, find people to cover my classes. At HR, we had people like Li Yun, who I met and I personally talked to, and she helped me to move things forward in that department as well. Dr. Jin, my own supervisor, and Jane Hackenberg, and so many people who really really helped me to get through that difficult time, and I would always be thankful to these people for the help that they provided when I needed it most.

2020年,我儿子的病复发了,这次需要做骨髓移植。那段时间我负责留在医院照顾他,我们父子俩在一间没有窗户的病房里住了40多天,朝夕相伴,不知道等待我们的命运是什么。在那段时间,学校的同事们都非常关心我,给我很大的帮助。比如张晓红副校长,她批准我休假,并安排好老师帮我代课;还有人力资源部的黎陨老师,在得知我的情况之后,她帮我积极推进各种手续的办理,省去我们很多的麻烦。此外还有外国语学院负责外教管理工作的金娜娜博士,我曾经的同事Jane Hackenberg女士,以及所有帮我渡过难关的人,我将永存感激之心,感谢他们在我最困难的时候向我伸出援助之手。

There is no perfect work place. Every job has its frustrations and its difficulties, but when I walk on this campus, and I’m surrounded by nature, and I get to feel the sunshine and I see the students’ smiles. I remember why I started and I appreciate it even more. And so I wouldn’t change a thing.


By School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University

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Luke Prosper, Lecturer at Shenzhen University
Anastasia – Fascinated by Guilin Mon, 07 Mar 2022 11:48:40 +0000 Teaching English in Guilin keywords: fulfilling, lovely students, safe, scenic by Anastasia Fox, English Lecturer, Guilin University of Technology Since early childhood I have been fascinated by South East Asia and the Far East, and wanted to live there, specifically in China. However, living so far away in South Africa, it seemed like an unrealistic dream. Needless to say, my

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Teaching English in Guilin keywords: fulfilling, lovely students, safe, scenic

by Anastasia Fox, English Lecturer, Guilin University of Technology

Since early childhood I have been fascinated by South East Asia and the Far East, and wanted to live there, specifically in China. However, living so far away in South Africa, it seemed like an unrealistic dream.

Needless to say, my spouse and I eventually made the plunge to move to Asia. We had so many options to choose from that at first it seemed daunting to decide which country and educational institution would be best for us.


The recruiting firm

Overwhelmed by choices and recruiters, we didn’t know which choice would be right for us, as I had offers from different countries in South East Asia, South Korea and Japan. Then we came upon ISAC’s website and immediately linked up with a friendly and knowledgeable recruiter who came to our rescue.

Once I had made contact with a recruiter at ISAC I realized that her main priority was to see that clients were placed at educational institutions that would make them happiest. She did not just give me a list of work opportunities, but instead took the time to find out what I was looking for in a teaching position in China. That is one of the main reasons I decided to go forward with ISAC above any other recruiting firm.

I let the recruiter from ISAC know exactly what I was looking for: a University post in a beautiful location in a tranquil, slow-paced city. Not only did they find me exactly what I was looking for, but they had made the whole process of applying for the position at the Guilin University of Technology (GUT) so easy.

ISAC always corresponded regularly and clearly as to what documentation we would need to prepare, the information that we would need to send to the University and what each step of the procedure of coming to work in China (and specifically in Guilin) would entail. I was informed on a continuous basis how far the process of getting to China was and what needed to be done next.

Also, ISAC were always happy to answer any and all questions I had, no matter how complicated or trivial. The response from them was always courteous and informative. All conversations and communications between us took place in English so there was never a need for a translator or any miscommunications due to a language barrier.

After I was introduced to my liaison at the University, my ISAC recruiter still kept in touch with me, making sure that the arrangements between myself and the University were going smoothly and that I was still happy with the placement.

Even after we had already moved to China and was well established in my position as Oral English Teacher, my recruiter at ISAC would still contact me on a regular basis to make sure that we were happy and settled.


The university and students

Happy and settled my spouse and I definitely are! The Guilin University of Technology has not one, but two beautiful university campuses.

The one that we live on is located very close to downtown Guilin and offers a wide variety of food and memories to be made (such as hiking through Seven Star Park, taking a boat ride down the Li River or going for a day trip to the picturesque Yangshuo, to name but a few). A scenic bus ride connects the two campuses, making for a lovely traveling experience as all along the way you are surrounded by the famous hills of Guilin.

Once you get to the campus grounds you are greeted by friendly students who are eager to learn. The students I teach are always excited about class and how they can improve their English through practice. It’s their enthusiasm that makes the vocation of teaching so fulfilling and after each class the students make me feel appreciated and valued.


My Colleagues

My work colleagues are another asset that I have discovered working at GUT. They have all been very kind and have helped me to settle into not only University life, but also enjoying the best Guilin has to offer. Living on campus among my students, my colleagues and their families has made me
feel very comforted (and has helped reduce homesickness) and I feel that I am part of the community.

I have also been entrusted to design courses tailored to suit each group of students (whether they are sophomores, freshmen, etc.) to meet their individual needs and level of spoken English. This has made planning and creating lesson plans flexible (as I can adjust a class as I see necessary) and has given me the opportunity to constantly improve my teaching skills as I am always challenged to give the students the best class I possibly can.

Being given the freedom to create my own curriculum for the students suits my independent personality perfectly as years of teaching according to a strict curriculum back home in South Africa without being able to amend it according to my students’ needs was disheartening.

Working at GUT has been and continues to be an absolute pleasure. This is also due to the fact that the management team at GUT are really supportive and have gone beyond the call of duty to make sure that we are happy. Our apartment is checked regularly to make sure that everything is in perfect working order. The management team also organizes trips in and around Guilin for the foreign staff to historical villages and beautiful locations.

Everyone at the office that co-ordinates with the foreign teaching staff speak fluent English, so language is never a barrier to interacting with anyone and there are no miscommunications. This alleviates a lot of the stress that is part and parcel of living in a foreign country that you don’t speak the language of.


Teaching English in Guilin – Safe and convenient

Living and working in China has afforded us the opportunity that we had previously lacked in my home country: the chance to afford to travel in complete safety.

China is one of the safest countries in the world, with Guilin being one of the safest cities. Added to that, China also has one of the best transport systems in the world. Whether it be clean and regular buses that take you around the city or taxis that are always available, it is easy to get from place to place without having to own your own vehicle.

The best way to travel, however, is the high-speed rail which is super convenient, fast and comfortable. Living in Guilin means that the beach is only four hours away on the high speed train.

Despite the fact that Guilin is a small, tourist city, there are large shopping centres, a Walmart and Western restaurants scattered between historic architecture and beautiful scenery. This has made the decision to stay in China, and Guilin specifically, for a long time, an easy choice.


Teaching English in Guilin


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Teaching Jobs in Guilin

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Anastasia - Fascinated by Guilin
Professor Alberto Conejo from USTB Receives the 2021 Chinese Government Friendship Award Mon, 18 Oct 2021 07:55:00 +0000 9月30日,中国政府友谊奖颁奖典礼在人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘鹤向2020、2021年度获奖外国专家颁奖。北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院Alberto Conejo(阿尔伯托)教授喜获殊荣,受邀出席颁奖仪式。 典礼结束后,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂会见2020和2021年度中国政府友谊奖获奖外国专家。 会见后,在场外国专家应李克强邀请出席了庆祝中华人民共和国成立72周年招待会。国务院副总理韩正、刘鹤,国务委员兼外交部长王毅参加会见。 合影留念 中国政府友谊奖,是中国政府为表彰在中国现代化建设和改革开放事业中作出突出贡献的外国专家而设立的最高荣誉奖项,用以感谢和表彰外国专家在我国社会发展和经济、技术、教育、文化等建设事业以及人才培养中所作出的突出成绩和奉献精神。Alberto Conejo教授是我校第3位获此殊荣的外籍专家,在全球冶金领域以其精深的专业素养与卓越的科研成果享有较高知名度。 Alberto Conejo Alberto Conejo教授是国际著名冶金工程专家,长期与我校开展密切学术交流和科研合作,2018年受聘为我校冶金与生态工程学院全职教授,长期从事钢铁行业气固相反应的热力学及动力学理论研究,及低碳冶金新技术的应用基础研究,并致力于冶金学科的本科与研究生教育工作,正在为我校培养一批具有全球视野的优秀学生,为我国冶金工程领域培养了诸多专业人才。 Alberto教授与我校炼铁新技术团队合作开发了一系列低碳技术,如氢还原技术和短流程钢铁生产新工艺优化技术,研究成果获得了国内外企业高校的广泛关注;其长期研究的电弧炉短流程工艺有望降低钢铁工业CO2排放50%以上,显著提高了我校在“碳中和”技术研究领域的国际竞争力,也积极促成了韩国浦项钢铁公司与我校签订了和中国高校的第一份战略合作协议。 Alberto教授在冶金工程领域遍栽桃李,为北科大培养了诸多优秀人才,其科研学术成果与卓著贡献助推了我校与包括德国亚琛工业大学在内的世界高水平大学科研合作,提升了我校冶金学科领域的国际化建设水平。 2021年2月2日,Alberto Conejo教授受邀代表北京科技大学出席在华工作的外国专家座谈会,并受到李克强总理接见。同年7月1日,Alberto Conejo教授受邀参加了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会,见证了这一伟大的历史时刻。 我校第一位中国政府友谊奖获得者——Reiner Kopp(雷纳·考普)教授,1980年被聘为我校名誉教授。1987-1990年任亚琛工业大学常务副校长。1998-2000任马普钢铁所 (MPI) 董事会主席。2001-2002任德国材料技术协会(DGM)副主席。2002年,任德国科学与人文科学院联盟董事会第三负责人。2006年,任欧洲应用科学与工程理事会副主席,同时任联合国及联合国教科文组织在德国的科学技术大使。Kopp教授与我校始终保持丰硕的合作关系,为德国亚琛工业大学与我校的长期合作架起了友谊的桥梁。在Kopp教授的无私帮助与鼎力支持下,我校建立了国内在金属材料加工专业的第一个计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering, CAE)研究室。因与我校在塑性加工的计算机模拟与优化领域合作研究的杰出成就与卓越贡献,Kopp教授1999年被授予北京市“长城友谊奖”,2000年被授予“中国政府友谊奖”。 我校第二位中国政府友谊奖获得者——Chain-Tsuan Liu(刘锦川)教授,2005年被聘为我校名誉教授。现任香港城市大学杰出教授、美国工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士、欧洲科学院院士。曾任美国橡树岭国家实验室合金行为与设计部门主任、田纳西大学材料科学与工程系教授。1985年荣获美国能源部能源技术重大影响奖;1988年荣获美国能源部“劳伦斯奖—美国总统奖”。2008年获得国家科学技术奖励工作办公室颁发的中国国际科学技术合作奖。作为国际材料界具有重要影响的杰出科学家,他长期与我校新金属材料国家重点实验室陈国良院士和吕昭平教授等人带领的学术团队合作,为我校培养了一批优秀人才并取得大量创新成果。2006年荣获“中国政府友谊奖”。(来源:北京科技大学) Translation: Professor Alberto Conejo from University of Science and Technology Beijing received the 2021 Chinese Government Friendship Award On September 30, the award ceremony of the Chinese Government Friendship Award was held in the Great

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9月30日,中国政府友谊奖颁奖典礼在人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘鹤向2020、2021年度获奖外国专家颁奖。北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院Alberto Conejo(阿尔伯托)教授喜获殊荣,受邀出席颁奖仪式。





中国政府友谊奖,是中国政府为表彰在中国现代化建设和改革开放事业中作出突出贡献的外国专家而设立的最高荣誉奖项,用以感谢和表彰外国专家在我国社会发展和经济、技术、教育、文化等建设事业以及人才培养中所作出的突出成绩和奉献精神。Alberto Conejo教授是我校第3位获此殊荣的外籍专家,在全球冶金领域以其精深的专业素养与卓越的科研成果享有较高知名度。


Alberto Conejo

Alberto Conejo教授是国际著名冶金工程专家,长期与我校开展密切学术交流和科研合作,2018年受聘为我校冶金与生态工程学院全职教授,长期从事钢铁行业气固相反应的热力学及动力学理论研究,及低碳冶金新技术的应用基础研究,并致力于冶金学科的本科与研究生教育工作,正在为我校培养一批具有全球视野的优秀学生,为我国冶金工程领域培养了诸多专业人才。




2021年2月2日,Alberto Conejo教授受邀代表北京科技大学出席在华工作的外国专家座谈会,并受到李克强总理接见。同年7月1日,Alberto Conejo教授受邀参加了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会,见证了这一伟大的历史时刻。

我校第一位中国政府友谊奖获得者——Reiner Kopp(雷纳·考普)教授,1980年被聘为我校名誉教授。1987-1990年任亚琛工业大学常务副校长。1998-2000任马普钢铁所 (MPI) 董事会主席。2001-2002任德国材料技术协会(DGM)副主席。2002年,任德国科学与人文科学院联盟董事会第三负责人。2006年,任欧洲应用科学与工程理事会副主席,同时任联合国及联合国教科文组织在德国的科学技术大使。Kopp教授与我校始终保持丰硕的合作关系,为德国亚琛工业大学与我校的长期合作架起了友谊的桥梁。在Kopp教授的无私帮助与鼎力支持下,我校建立了国内在金属材料加工专业的第一个计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering, CAE)研究室。因与我校在塑性加工的计算机模拟与优化领域合作研究的杰出成就与卓越贡献,Kopp教授1999年被授予北京市“长城友谊奖”,2000年被授予“中国政府友谊奖”。

我校第二位中国政府友谊奖获得者——Chain-Tsuan Liu(刘锦川)教授,2005年被聘为我校名誉教授。现任香港城市大学杰出教授、美国工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士、欧洲科学院院士。曾任美国橡树岭国家实验室合金行为与设计部门主任、田纳西大学材料科学与工程系教授。1985年荣获美国能源部能源技术重大影响奖;1988年荣获美国能源部“劳伦斯奖—美国总统奖”。2008年获得国家科学技术奖励工作办公室颁发的中国国际科学技术合作奖。作为国际材料界具有重要影响的杰出科学家,他长期与我校新金属材料国家重点实验室陈国良院士和吕昭平教授等人带领的学术团队合作,为我校培养了一批优秀人才并取得大量创新成果。2006年荣获“中国政府友谊奖”。(来源:北京科技大学)


Professor Alberto Conejo from University of Science and Technology Beijing received the 2021 Chinese Government Friendship Award

On September 30, the award ceremony of the Chinese Government Friendship Award was held in the Great Hall of the People. Vice Premier of the State Council Liu He presented the award to the foreign experts who won the award in 2020 and 2021. Professor Alberto Conejo (Alberto) from the School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering of University of Science and Technology Beijing was honored and invited to attend the award ceremony.

After the ceremony, Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, met with the foreign experts who received the Chinese Government Friendship Award for 2020 and 2021 at the Great Hall of the People.

The Chinese Government Friendship Award is the highest honorary award established by the Chinese government to recognize foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to China’s modernization and reform and opening-up, in appreciation and recognition of their outstanding achievements and dedication in China’s social development and economic, technological, educational, cultural and other construction undertakings, as well as talent training. He is the third foreign expert to receive this award at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, and enjoys a high reputation for his profound professionalism and outstanding scientific achievements in the field of metallurgy worldwide.

Professor Alberto Conejo is an internationally renowned expert in metallurgical engineering, who has long been engaged in close academic exchanges and scientific cooperation with the University, and was appointed as a full professor in the School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering in 2018. He is also dedicated to undergraduate and graduate education in metallurgy, and is training a number of excellent students with global vision for our university, and has trained many professional talents in the field of metallurgical engineering in China.

Professor Alberto has developed a series of low-carbon technologies, such as hydrogen reduction technology and new process optimization technology for short-flow steel production, in cooperation with our new iron-making technology team, and his research results have gained wide attention from domestic and foreign enterprises and universities. His long-term research on the short process of electric arc furnace is expected to reduce the CO2 emission of steel industry by more than 50%, which has significantly improved the international competitiveness of our university in the field of “carbon neutral” technology research, and also actively contributed to the signing of the first strategic cooperation agreement between POSCO and our university in China.

Professor Alberto has cultivated many outstanding talents in the field of metallurgical engineering, and his academic achievements and contributions have promoted the cooperation between the University and other high-level universities in the world, including RWTH Aachen University in Germany, and enhanced the internationalization of metallurgical disciplines in the University.


Prof. Reiner Kopp, the first recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award from USTB, was appointed as Honorary Professor in 1980 and was Executive Vice President of RWTH Aachen University from 1987 to 1990. From 2001 to 2002, he was Vice President of the German Materials Technology Association (DGM), and in 2002, he was the Third Head of the Board of the German Union of Academies of Sciences and Humanities. He has built a bridge of friendship between RWTH Aachen University and our university. With the help and support of Prof. Kopp, we have established the first Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) laboratory in China in the field of metal processing. Professor Kopp was awarded the Great Wall Friendship Award by Beijing in 1999 and the Chinese Government Friendship Award in 2000 for his outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of computer simulation and optimization of plastic processing.

USTB’s second recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, Professor Chain-Tsuan Liu, was appointed as an Honorary Professor in 2005. He is currently a Distinguished Professor of City University of Hong Kong, a member of the American Academy of Engineering, a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a member of the European Academy of Sciences. He was the Director of the Division of Alloy Behavior and Design at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee, USA. In 2008, he received the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award from the National Science and Technology Award Office. In 2006, he received the “Chinese Government Friendship Award”.

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Professor Alberto Conejo from USTB Receives the 2021 Chinese Government Friendship Award
Dalian University – Chinese and Foreign Students and Teachers Celebrate the 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival Wed, 06 Oct 2021 04:40:00 +0000 日前,大连大学举办“天涯共此时 连大明月清”中外师生共庆中秋佳节活动。我校7名在连外籍教师,1名在校留学生和40余名来自国际学院、英语学院、日本语言文化学院的学生相聚素质教育基地,以丰富多彩的形式共迎中秋佳节。 来自三个学院的学生代表分别表演了原创歌曲和舞蹈,压轴节目是国际学院外教Brain带来的一首关于秋天的原创歌曲《Lamp of the hills》,歌声温柔,打动人心。演出中间穿插英、日文的“你来比划我来猜”、教外教和留学生学诗词等小游戏,外教与学生相互配合,笑声不断,活动高潮迭起。 在介绍了中秋节的来历和传统习俗后,中外师生共同品尝了中秋佳节传统糕点月饼,并现场开展了灯笼绘画比赛,大家分组配合,在欢声笑语中了完成了灯笼绘制。新入职的日本外教森川老师表示,这是她来到中国,来到连大后第一次参加此类活动,非常开心,期待着以后能有更多这样与学生交流的机会。 国际合作交流处代表学校为中外师生送上节日礼物和祝福。此次活动不仅让外籍教师和留学生感受到了中国传统节日文化的魅力,同时也体会到了连大大家庭的温暖,更为促进中外师生交流、增强情感搭建了平台,使他们更好地融入多样的校园文化,携手建设中外师生融合交流、共同发展的国际化校园。 Translation: Recently, Dalian University held an activity to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with teachers and students including Chinese and International students and teachers. Seven foreign teachers, one international student and more than 40 students from International College, English College and Japanese Language and Culture College met up to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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日前,大连大学举办“天涯共此时 连大明月清”中外师生共庆中秋佳节活动。我校7名在连外籍教师,1名在校留学生和40余名来自国际学院、英语学院、日本语言文化学院的学生相聚素质教育基地,以丰富多彩的形式共迎中秋佳节。

来自三个学院的学生代表分别表演了原创歌曲和舞蹈,压轴节目是国际学院外教Brain带来的一首关于秋天的原创歌曲《Lamp of the hills》,歌声温柔,打动人心。演出中间穿插英、日文的“你来比划我来猜”、教外教和留学生学诗词等小游戏,外教与学生相互配合,笑声不断,活动高潮迭起。




Recently, Dalian University held an activity to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with teachers and students including Chinese and International students and teachers. Seven foreign teachers, one international student and more than 40 students from International College, English College and Japanese Language and Culture College met up to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Students performed songs and dances, and the finale was a song about autumn. “Lamp of the hills”, brought by Brain, a foreign teacher from the International College, with a touching voice. The performance was interspersed with English and Japanese games such as “Let me guess”, teaching foreign teachers and international students to learn poems, etc. The foreign teachers and students cooperated with each other and laughed a lot.

After introducing the origin and traditional customs of Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese and foreign teachers and students tasted the traditional moon cakes and carried out a lantern painting competition on site. Ms. Morikawa, a new Japanese foreign teacher, said that it was her first time to participate in such activities after coming to China and Dalian University, and she was very happy and looked forward to more opportunities to communicate with students like this in the future.

On behalf of the university, the International Cooperation and Exchange Office sent holiday gifts and blessings to Chinese and foreign teachers and students.

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Dalian University - Chinese and Foreign Students and Teachers Celebrate the 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival
Tudor Ratiu, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Receives Chinese Government Friendship Award Sat, 02 Oct 2021 12:52:00 +0000 9月30日,2020和2021年度中国政府友谊奖颁奖仪式在人民大会堂隆重举行。欧洲科学院院士、上海交通大学数学科学学院“国际化示范学院”副院长、讲席教授Tudor Ratiu获得2020年度奖项,并作为获奖外国专家代表在颁奖仪式上发言。仪式结束后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂亲切会见了中国政府友谊奖获奖外国专家,对获奖的外国专家表示热烈祝贺,充分肯定了他们为中国改革开放和发展进步、中外友好交往所作的贡献,并通过他们向所有在华工作的外国专家和家属表示亲切问候。会见结束后,在场外国专家应李克强总理邀请出席了庆祝中华人民共和国成立72周年招待会。 Tudor Ratiu教授自2016年初全职来华工作,担任上海交通大学数学科学学院“国际化示范学院”副院长、讲席教授。在此期间,他曾荣获Tullio Levi-Civita国际成就奖(2016年)、上海市“白玉兰纪念奖”(2018年)、上海交通大学校长奖(2020年)。2019年,Tudor Ratiu教授以上海交通大学教授身份当选欧洲科学院院士。Ratiu教授是美国数学学会首批会士,从事应用几何及其相关学科领域的研究,是约化理论的奠基人之一,在几何、动力系统和控制论领域内的国际顶尖学术期刊上发表了一系列高水平论文,并有多部专著。Tudor Ratiu教授在我校全职工作以来,结合在不同国家一流高校的工作经历,积极并富有成效地推动了我校数学学科的国际化进程。他邀请和推荐了一大批海外杰出专家和优秀青年学者来校全职或兼职工作,助推我校与欧洲高校的国际科研合作,并积极参与学院人才培养、课程体系改革等工作;他多次受邀在科技部组织的外籍专家座谈会上作主题发言,为中国数学学科及其他科学事业的发展建言献策。 2014年,上海交通大学数学科学学院入选首批国家外专局和教育部联合实施的“高校国际化示范学院推进计划”,也是迄今为止唯一入选的数学学院。学院成立了“推进计划”国际管理委员会,不断创新引智工作和国际化服务举措,追求卓越教学与科研,努力探索在国内高校创建世界一流学科的可借鉴经验,把数学科学学院建设成国际一流的科学研究和人才培养示范基地。学院现已汇聚了一批以欧洲科学院院士、欧洲科学院外籍院士、中国科学院外籍院士、国家特聘专家、中青年学术骨干、优秀青年学者及国家级教学名师为代表的高层次人才队伍,为推动学院发展迈向世界一流奠定了坚实基础。 “推进计划”建设期内,学院积极开展多层次学术活动,平均每年举办国际会议和学术会议20余场,学术报告超过300场次;通过“高层次访问学者研究计划”、“吴文俊数学中心访问教授”、“国际化示范学院访学项目”、“国际化示范学院学术休假访学项目”、专题讨论班、国际暑期学校等多种形式引进国际人才来校授课及进行科研合作交流;学院教师年均逾70余人次在国内外重要国际学术会议作报告,71人次任国内外重要学术期刊主编或编委,国际合作论文比例连续5年超过45%;学院积极与海外一流大学建立长期深入的合作关系,与英国牛津大学、法国索邦大学、美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校、新加坡国立大学、俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学等建立多层次的联合培养和双学位项目、合作举办中外合作办学项目、成立联合研究中心等。这些建设举措有效推动了学院“高校国际化示范学院推进计划”建设工作开展,有力加快了学院建设世界一流数学学科的步伐,也为学校整体国际化办学探索了新路径,提供了新经验。 据悉,中国政府友谊奖是为表彰在中国现代化建设中作出突出贡献的外国专家而设立的最高荣誉奖项,自1991年设立以来已有1799位外国专家获奖,其中,上海交通大学有6位外籍专家获此殊荣。 Translation: On September 30, the Chinese Government Friendship Award Ceremony of 2020 and 2021 was held in the Great Hall of the People. Tudor Ratiu, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Vice President and Chair Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, received the 2020

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9月30日,2020和2021年度中国政府友谊奖颁奖仪式在人民大会堂隆重举行。欧洲科学院院士、上海交通大学数学科学学院“国际化示范学院”副院长、讲席教授Tudor Ratiu获得2020年度奖项,并作为获奖外国专家代表在颁奖仪式上发言。仪式结束后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂亲切会见了中国政府友谊奖获奖外国专家,对获奖的外国专家表示热烈祝贺,充分肯定了他们为中国改革开放和发展进步、中外友好交往所作的贡献,并通过他们向所有在华工作的外国专家和家属表示亲切问候。会见结束后,在场外国专家应李克强总理邀请出席了庆祝中华人民共和国成立72周年招待会。

Tudor Ratiu教授自2016年初全职来华工作,担任上海交通大学数学科学学院“国际化示范学院”副院长、讲席教授。在此期间,他曾荣获Tullio Levi-Civita国际成就奖(2016年)、上海市“白玉兰纪念奖”(2018年)、上海交通大学校长奖(2020年)。2019年,Tudor Ratiu教授以上海交通大学教授身份当选欧洲科学院院士。Ratiu教授是美国数学学会首批会士,从事应用几何及其相关学科领域的研究,是约化理论的奠基人之一,在几何、动力系统和控制论领域内的国际顶尖学术期刊上发表了一系列高水平论文,并有多部专著。Tudor Ratiu教授在我校全职工作以来,结合在不同国家一流高校的工作经历,积极并富有成效地推动了我校数学学科的国际化进程。他邀请和推荐了一大批海外杰出专家和优秀青年学者来校全职或兼职工作,助推我校与欧洲高校的国际科研合作,并积极参与学院人才培养、课程体系改革等工作;他多次受邀在科技部组织的外籍专家座谈会上作主题发言,为中国数学学科及其他科学事业的发展建言献策。





On September 30, the Chinese Government Friendship Award Ceremony of 2020 and 2021 was held in the Great Hall of the People. Tudor Ratiu, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Vice President and Chair Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, received the 2020 award and spoke at the ceremony as a representative of the foreign experts who received the award. After the ceremony, Premier Li Keqiang met with the foreign experts who received the Chinese Government Friendship Award at the Great Hall of the People and warmly congratulated them, fully affirmed their contributions to China’s reform and opening-up, development and progress, and friendly relations between China and foreign countries, and through them extended his warm greetings to all foreign experts and their families working in China. After the meeting, the foreign experts present were invited by Premier Li Keqiang to attend a reception to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Professor Tudor Ratiu has been working in China full-time since early 2016 as the Vice Dean and Chair Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s “Internationalization Demonstration School”. During this period, he was awarded the Tullio Levi-Civita International Achievement Award (2016), the Shanghai Magnolia Memorial Award (2018), and the President’s Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2020). Professor Ratiu is one of the first fellows of the American Mathematical Society and has published a series of high-level papers in leading international academic journals in the fields of geometry, dynamical systems and cybernetics, as well as several monographs. He has actively and effectively promoted the internationalization of the mathematics discipline in our university by combining his work experience in top-notch universities in different countries. He has invited and recommended a large number of distinguished overseas experts and outstanding young scholars to work in the university on a full-time or part-time basis, and has promoted international research cooperation between the university and European universities, as well as actively participated in the training of talents and curriculum reform of the university.

In 2014, the School of Mathematical Sciences of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) was selected as one of the first and only mathematics schools to be included in the “Internationalization Demonstration College Promotion Program” jointly implemented by the State Administration of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education. The School has established the International Management Committee of the “Promotion Plan”, continuously innovated the intellectual attraction work and internationalization service initiatives, pursued excellence in teaching and research, and strived to explore the experience of creating world-class disciplines in domestic universities, so as to build the School of Mathematical Sciences into an international first-class scientific research and talent training demonstration base. The School has now gathered a group of high-level talents represented by Academicians of European Academy of Sciences, Foreign Academicians of European Academy of Sciences, Foreign Academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Specially Appointed Experts, Young and Middle-aged Academic Backbone, Outstanding Young Scholars and National Master Teachers, which has laid a solid foundation for promoting the development of the School to the world class.

During the construction period of the “Promotion Plan”, the School has actively carried out multi-level academic activities, holding on average more than 20 international conferences and academic meetings and more than 300 academic presentations each year; through the “High-level Visiting Scholar Research Program”, the “Wu Wenjun Center Visiting Scholar Program”, and the “Wu Wenjun Center Visiting Scholar Program”. “Visiting Professor of Wu Wenjun Mathematics Center”, “Internationalization Model College Visiting Program”, “Internationalization Model College Academic Sabbatical Visiting Program”, symposiums, international summer schools The faculty members of the School have made more than 70 presentations at important international academic conferences at home and abroad, and 71 have served as editors-in-chief or editorial board members of important academic journals at home and abroad, and the proportion of international cooperative papers has exceeded 45% for five consecutive years. The School has established multi-level joint training and dual-degree programs with Oxford University (UK), Sorbonne University (France), University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Moscow State University (Russia), etc., cooperated in organizing Chinese-foreign cooperative study programs and established joint research centers. These initiatives have effectively promoted the construction of the College’s “Internationalization Demonstration College Promotion Plan”, which has greatly accelerated the pace of building a world-class mathematics discipline, and explored new paths and provided new experiences for the overall internationalization of the University.

It is reported that the Chinese Government Friendship Award is the highest honorary award established to recognize foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to the modernization of China, and 1799 foreign experts have been awarded since its establishment in 1991.

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Tudor Ratiu, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Receives Chinese Government Friendship Award
BNU Zhuhai Holds a Reception for International Scholars and Students Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:51:00 +0000 To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, to help international scholars and students learn about the history of CPC, new China’s construction, and reform and opening up, particularly the latest development of the national strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and to

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To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, to help international scholars and students learn about the history of CPC, new China’s construction, and reform and opening up, particularly the latest development of the national strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and to promote their mutual understanding and friendly exchanges, on the afternoon of September 18, International Office organized a reception for international scholars and students. Guo Kanjun, Director of International Office at BNU Zhuhai, and Qiu Yue, Director of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of BNUZ attended the event. More than 40 international experts, international students and guests participated in the event.

At the beginning of the event, the hostess Yang Xue, showed a short film Red Star Over China. From a documentary perspective and through the eyes of foreigners, it bears witness to the great changes and reforms that have taken place in Chinese society since the founding of the Communist Party of China 100 years ago. From “to stand up and to survive” to “reform and opening up, Shenzhen speed”, and then to “poverty alleviation and rural revitalization”, the Chinese Communist Party has experienced century-long hardship to lead the nation to head towards the national rejuvenation and prosperity within 100 years.

Later, four foreign experts and international students sincerely shared their own personal feelings on China’s development. German scholar Dr. Christoph Stahl used photos taken by himself, witnessing the dramatic changes that have taken place in China in just one decade: the construction of cities, the transformation of communities; The American expert Prof. Randy Lapolla, who studied at Peking University in the 1980s, was acutely aware of how much China has changed since reform and opening up. In addition to the visible achievements, he was particularly pleased that Chinese scholars are now more active and influential in the world’s academic circles; Hossain Md Ripon, an international student from Bangladesh, illustrated the important reference role of China’s development path for other developing countries. The Pakistani student Imran Khan affirmed the important leadership role and outstanding contribution of the CPC in different historical stages from his own research experience, and expressed his admiration for China’s development speed.

Then, the hostess introduced the development strategy of the GBA through an abundant of pictures and texts, a large amount of data and a vivid video, and emphasized the strong impetus of GBA to China’s GDP. She particularly stressed that Zhuhai has attracted more and more high-end talents due to its livable natural environment, advantageous geographical position and new technology innovation industry, which has made it the driving force for the development of the GBA.

Subsequently, the hostess introduced the newly-established Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. The cooperation zone, which is of far-reaching significance to the development of Guangdong and Macao, will inject new impetus into the practice of “One Country, Two Systems” of Macao and bring huge development opportunities to Zhuhai. In the increasingly internationalized GBA, international scholars and students will witness a new chapter of the development unfolded.

The holding of the reception for international scholars and students not only enables them to understand the road of the Chinese People’s unremitting struggle over the past century, to learn the history of contemporary China and the development of China today, but also encourages them to better participate in and integrate into the development of the GBA. Global talents gather in the GBA. Chinese and foreign cultures collide with one another, generating sparks full of vitality in the new era


Article Source: International Office, BNUZ

Author: Yu Beixi, Wang Chengcheng, Li Weiwei

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BNU Zhuhai Holds a Reception for International Scholars and Students
SISU Welcome Party for New Foreign Experts Fri, 24 Sep 2021 13:40:00 +0000 上海外国语大学举办2021-2022学年新聘外国专家欢迎会 9月17日,上海外国语大学2021-2022学年新聘外国专家欢迎会在虹口校区举行,共有来自7个院系、10个国家的11名新聘外国专家出席活动,部分受疫情影响暂未入境或尚在隔离的外国专家线上参会。 对外合作交流处处长张红玲代表学校致辞。她介绍了上外的总体情况与发展愿景,并向选择加入上外的各位外国专家表示热烈欢迎。她表示,在上外建设国别区域全球知识领域特色鲜明的世界一流外国语大学的过程中,外国专家对学校学科建设和人才培养起到了重要作用。希望外国专家们能充分发挥专业与文化背景优势,积极参与学校教学科研活动,促进中外人文交流。随后,张红玲为现场参会的5位新聘外国专家颁授了上外校徽和文创纪念品。 新聘外国专家们在会上先后进行了自我介绍,表达了对在上外工作生活的期待。国际教育学院副院长田小勇作为院系代表,对新聘外国专家的加入表示欢迎。田小勇表示,希望外国专家们能与中国教师在教学、科研、文化交流等多方面开展合作,助推学院的国际化工作更上一层楼。会上,对外合作交流处还为新聘外国专家进行了入职培训,详细介绍了学校的设施、资源、校园文化、相关  政策等。 新学期开学以来,各院系还对在沪外国专家进行了慰问,并通过线上方式对在境外的外国专家送上关心。部分院系还通过师生见面会、校园参观、教学设备试用等多种形式邀请外国专家参加院系活动,帮助他们熟悉校情院情,增强其归属感和融入度,助力学校学科建设和人才培养。 Translation: Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) held a welcome party for newly recruited foreign experts for the academic year 2021-2022 A total of 11 newly-hired foreign experts from 7 departments and 10 countries attended the event, and some foreign experts affected by the epidemic who have not yet entered the country or are still

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新聘外国专家们在会上先后进行了自我介绍,表达了对在上外工作生活的期待。国际教育学院副院长田小勇作为院系代表,对新聘外国专家的加入表示欢迎。田小勇表示,希望外国专家们能与中国教师在教学、科研、文化交流等多方面开展合作,助推学院的国际化工作更上一层楼。会上,对外合作交流处还为新聘外国专家进行了入职培训,详细介绍了学校的设施、资源、校园文化、相关  政策等。



Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) held a welcome party for newly recruited foreign experts for the academic year 2021-2022

A total of 11 newly-hired foreign experts from 7 departments and 10 countries attended the event, and some foreign experts affected by the epidemic who have not yet entered the country or are still in quarantine attended the event online.

Zhang Hongling, Director of Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Office, delivered a speech on behalf of the university. She introduced the general situation and development vision of SSE and expressed a warm welcome to all foreign experts who chose to join SSE. She said that in the process of building a world-class foreign language university with distinctive features in the field of global knowledge of country and region, foreign experts have played an important role in discipline construction and talent cultivation of the university. She hoped that foreign experts would give full play to their professional and cultural backgrounds, actively participate in the teaching and research activities of the university, and promote Chinese and foreign humanities exchanges. Afterwards, Zhang Hongling awarded the five newly-appointed foreign experts with the university emblem and creative souvenirs.

The newly-appointed foreign experts introduced themselves and expressed their expectation of working and living in SUE. Tian Xiaoyong, Vice Dean of the College of International Education, as the representative of the faculty, welcomed the new foreign experts. Tian Xiaoyong expressed his hope that the foreign experts would cooperate with Chinese teachers in teaching, scientific research and cultural exchange, and help the college take its internationalization to a higher level. At the meeting, the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Office also conducted an induction training for the newly-hired foreign experts and introduced in detail the facilities, resources, campus culture and relevant policies of the university.

Since the beginning of the new semester, each faculty and department also communicated with foreign experts in Shanghai and sent care to foreign experts outside of China through online methods. Some faculties and departments also invited foreign experts to participate in faculty activities through various forms such as faculty-student meetings, campus visits and teaching equipment trials to help them get familiar with the university and its situation, enhance their sense of belonging and integration, and help the university’s discipline construction and talent cultivation.

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SISU Welcome Party for New Foreign Experts
2021 Fudan University Foreign Experts Mid-Autumn Festival Tea Party Sat, 18 Sep 2021 13:14:00 +0000 2021年外国专家中秋节茶话会 2021年9月17日中午,复旦大学外国专家中秋节茶话会在马锦明楼举行。DENIZ MIHAYLOV VATANSEVER、ANTOINE, JEAN-PIERRE RENE RIAUD、GUILLERMO SALVADOR MARINARO MONTALBETTI、DANIELLE CHIU、GAULTIER,JEAN,RAYMOND ROUX、VELI-MATTI ILMARI PALOMAEKI等老师出席了活动,共同体验中国“海上生明月,天涯共此时”的中秋情怀。 国际合作与交流处处长卢丽安教授欢迎大家在百忙之中参加国合处的活动,并提前预祝大家中秋节快乐。为体现“中秋团圆,复旦一家”的主题,国合处为外籍专家准备了各式的复旦校徽月饼,辅以茶点、水果供大家品尝。 Translation: The Mid-Autumn Festival Tea Party for Foreign Experts of Fudan University was held at noon on September 17, 2021 at the Ma Jinming Building. DENIZ MIHAYLOV VATANSEVER, ANTOINE, JEAN-PIERRE RENE RIAUD, GUILLERMO SALVADOR MARINARO MONTALBETTI DANIELLE CHIU, GAULTIER,JEAN, RAYMOND ROUX, VELI-MATTI ILMARI PALOMAEKI and

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The Mid-Autumn Festival Tea Party for Foreign Experts of Fudan University was held at noon on September 17, 2021 at the Ma Jinming Building. DENIZ MIHAYLOV VATANSEVER, ANTOINE, JEAN-PIERRE RENE RIAUD, GUILLERMO SALVADOR MARINARO MONTALBETTI DANIELLE CHIU, GAULTIER,JEAN, RAYMOND ROUX, VELI-MATTI ILMARI PALOMAEKI and other teachers attended the event to experience the Chinese theme “Moon on the sea, we share the same sky” of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Professor Lu Li’an, Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, welcomed all the participants to the event and wished them a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance. In order to reflect the theme of “Mid-Autumn Reunion, Fudan Family”, the International Cooperation Office prepared various kinds of moon cakes with the Fudan University logo for foreign experts, supplemented with refreshments and fruits for everyone to taste.

Fudan University

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2021 Fudan University Foreign Experts Mid-Autumn Festival Tea Party
Shanghai International Studies University Leaders Face to Face with International Faculty Thu, 09 Sep 2021 11:58:00 +0000 9月3日,新学期开学伊始,适逢全国第37个教师节前夕,上海外国语大学党委书记姜锋、校长李岩松与外国专家座谈交流,慰问疫情期间坚守学校的专家代表,送上节日问候。 座谈会上,14位外国专家代表结合自己的经历和学术背景,阐述了对当前国际形势和教育交流合作的看法,分享了疫情防控下的工作和生活。“We must continue the dialogue despite the difficulties, and we must know how much stronger when we are united.” (尽管困难重重,我们必须继续文化之间的对话。只有当我们团结一致,才能变得更强大。)法国籍外国专家Manganelli Francesca的发言,引发了在场外国专家的共鸣,也代表了大家的心声。从国际旅行受限、远离故乡与亲人的担忧,到探索上海周边美景、在中国迎来新生儿的喜悦;从对比云端与线下课堂授课的异同,到畅谈两年中发表十余篇学术论文的不易;从隔离期间心无旁骛钻研科研项目,到走出家门参与一大会址新馆译介,外国专家们畅所欲言。大家一致认为,动荡的国际格局下,增进国际理解、加强国际合作对于应对全球挑战意义重大,而自己也愿意为搭建沟通桥梁、讲述真实的中国贡献力量。正如意大利籍外国专家Claudio Senni所说: “University is a beautiful world, a place of knowledge, progress and communication. I will try to improve and deepen the relationship between China and Italy”。(大学是一个美丽的世界,知识、进步和交流在此汇聚。我愿为改善和深化中意关系贡献力量。) 校党委书记姜锋在听完专家们的发言之后,首先感谢了他们的真挚分享。他表示,近年来上外不断推动学科专业优化升级,在学校建设国别区域全球知识领域特色鲜明的世界一流外国语大学的过程中,在从语言能力到全球话语能力的转向中,外国专家发挥专业与文化背景优势,对学校学科建设和人才培养起到了重要作用。姜锋强调,面对疫情,学校的外国专家工作要进一步畅通信息、加强交流、共情互助,促进中外学者思想交流,打造上外国际学术共同体。希望外国专家们能够在教学和科研中,贡献对各自国家与文化的多样视角与理解,与中国学者一道,为上外、为中国、为世界的发展贡献智慧、培养人才。 在随后举行的招待会上,李岩松校长代表学校向本学期来自39个国家的84位外国专家送上新学期与教师节的祝福,并对克服疫情下的种种困难来到中国、留在上外的外国专家表示了诚挚慰问。他表示,面对疫情,世界各国都采取了适合自己国情的防疫政策,感谢外国专家们对学校防疫工作的理解与支持,也希望大家的生活能早日恢复正常。近几年,上外的学科发展与人才培养取得的进步与成绩,离不开外国专家们的付出与贡献。学校将不断优化管理,细致服务,创建更多有利于中外师生线上线下共享校园空间与交流平台,让大家在上外工作安心、生活愉快,发展顺利。 座谈会上,外国专家代表们还就加强信息共享机制建设、增进中外师生交流、设立外国专家科研项目、加大学生心理支持力度等方面提出了宝贵建议。对外合作交流处处长张红玲主持座谈会,校长办公室主任蒋昕宇和上海市全球治理与国别区域研究院执行院长杨成参加座谈交流活动。 Translation: On September 3, the beginning of the new semester and the

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座谈会上,14位外国专家代表结合自己的经历和学术背景,阐述了对当前国际形势和教育交流合作的看法,分享了疫情防控下的工作和生活。“We must continue the dialogue despite the difficulties, and we must know how much stronger when we are united.” (尽管困难重重,我们必须继续文化之间的对话。只有当我们团结一致,才能变得更强大。)法国籍外国专家Manganelli Francesca的发言,引发了在场外国专家的共鸣,也代表了大家的心声。从国际旅行受限、远离故乡与亲人的担忧,到探索上海周边美景、在中国迎来新生儿的喜悦;从对比云端与线下课堂授课的异同,到畅谈两年中发表十余篇学术论文的不易;从隔离期间心无旁骛钻研科研项目,到走出家门参与一大会址新馆译介,外国专家们畅所欲言。大家一致认为,动荡的国际格局下,增进国际理解、加强国际合作对于应对全球挑战意义重大,而自己也愿意为搭建沟通桥梁、讲述真实的中国贡献力量。正如意大利籍外国专家Claudio Senni所说: “University is a beautiful world, a place of knowledge, progress and communication. I will try to improve and deepen the relationship between China and Italy”。(大学是一个美丽的世界,知识、进步和交流在此汇聚。我愿为改善和深化中意关系贡献力量。)





On September 3, the beginning of the new semester and the eve of the 37th National Teachers’ Day, Party Secretary Jiang Feng and President Li Yansong of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) had a discussion with foreign experts to express their sympathy and send greetings to the representatives of experts who stayed in the university during the epidemic.

At the symposium, 14 representatives of foreign experts combined their experiences and academic backgrounds to elaborate their views on the current international situation and educational exchanges and cooperation, and shared their work and life during the epidemic. “We must continue the dialogue despite the difficulties, and we must know how much stronger when we are united.” The speech of Manganelli Francesca, a French foreign expert, struck a chord with the foreign experts present and represented the sentiments of all. From the concern about the limitation of international travel and being far away from their hometown and relatives to the joy of exploring the beauty around Shanghai and welcoming a newborn baby in China; from comparing the similarities and differences between cloud-based and offline classroom lectures to talking about the difficulties of publishing more than ten academic papers in two years; from studying scientific research projects without distractions during the isolation period to participating in the translation of the new pavilion of the Great Hall of the People’s Republic of China outside their home, the foreign experts spoke freely. They all agreed that under the turbulent international situation, it is of great significance to enhance international understanding and strengthen international cooperation to meet global challenges, and they are willing to contribute to building bridges and telling the real China. As Italian foreign expert Claudio Senni said: “University is a beautiful world, a place of knowledge, progress and communication. I will try to improve and deepen the relationship between China and Italy”. (University is a beautiful world, a place of knowledge, progress and communication. I will try to improve and deepen the relationship between China and Italy”.

After listening to the experts’ speeches, Jiang Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the university, firstly thanked them for their sincere sharing. He said that in recent years, SSE has been promoting the optimization and upgrading of disciplines and specialties, and in the process of building a world-class foreign language university with distinctive features in the field of country-region global knowledge, foreign experts have played an important role in the university’s discipline construction and talent training by taking advantage of their professional and cultural backgrounds in the shift from language competence to global discourse competence. Jiang Feng stressed that in the face of the epidemic, the work of foreign experts in the university should further open up information, strengthen communication, empathize and help each other, promote the exchange of ideas between Chinese and foreign scholars, and build an international academic community in Shangai. It is hoped that foreign experts can contribute their diverse perspectives and understanding of their respective countries and cultures in their teaching and research, and together with Chinese scholars, contribute their wisdom and cultivate talents for the development of Shangai, China and the world.

At the reception that followed, President Li Yansong, on behalf of the university, sent his best wishes to 84 foreign experts from 39 countries for the new semester and Teachers’ Day, and expressed his sincere condolences to the foreign experts who came to China and stayed in SSE despite the difficulties under the epidemic. He expressed that in the face of the epidemic, all countries in the world have adopted epidemic prevention policies suitable for their own conditions. He thanked the foreign experts for their understanding and support to the university’s epidemic prevention work and hoped that their lives would return to normal soon. In recent years, the progress and achievements in the development of disciplines and talent cultivation in SSE have been made possible by the contribution of foreign experts. The university will continue to optimize management, provide meticulous services, and create more online and offline sharing space and communication platforms for Chinese and foreign students and teachers, so that they can work and live happily and develop smoothly at SSE.

During the seminar, representatives of foreign experts also made valuable suggestions on strengthening the construction of information sharing mechanism, enhancing communication between Chinese and foreign teachers and students, establishing research projects for foreign experts, and increasing psychological support for students. Zhang Hongling, Director of Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Office, presided over the seminar, and Jiang Xinyu, Director of President’s Office, and Yang Cheng, Executive Director of Shanghai Institute of Global Governance and Country and Regional Studies, participated in the seminar.

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Shanghai International Studies University Leaders Face to Face with International Faculty
Nanchang University – 2021 mid-year work meeting with foreign teachers Wed, 14 Jul 2021 07:26:00 +0000 2021年7月2日,南昌大学国际交流处召开了我校2021年外籍教师工作会议。 会议就我校外籍教师上半年工作情况进行总结,并对暑期外籍教师有关工作进行了安排部署。尤其是在疫情防控和有关国家安全、宗教等方面,进行了详细的讲解。 外籍教师也在会上畅所欲言,谈了在南昌工作、生活的体会,并在会上提出希望能学好中文,更好的融入我校。国际交流处认真记录,并表示将根据外籍教师反映的情况,认真开展此项工作。大家一致认为,这样的会议增进了彼此的了解,增强了相互间的情谊,应该多多召开。 Translation: On July 2, 2021, the Office of International Exchange of Nanchang University held a conference on the work of foreign teachers in mid-2021. The meeting summarized the work of our foreign teachers in the first half of the year and made arrangements for the work related to foreign teachers in the summer. In particular, detailed explanations

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On July 2, 2021, the Office of International Exchange of Nanchang University held a conference on the work of foreign teachers in mid-2021.

The meeting summarized the work of our foreign teachers in the first half of the year and made arrangements for the work related to foreign teachers in the summer. In particular, detailed explanations were given on epidemic prevention and control and related national security and religion.

Foreign teachers also spoke freely at the meeting about their experiences of working and living in Nanchang, and expressed their hope to learn Chinese and integrate better into the university at the meeting. Staff from the International Exchange Office took careful notes and said the office would work on the items according to the feedbacks from the foreign teachers.

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Nanchang University - 2021 mid-year work meeting with foreign teachers