HITSZ Shenzhou Forum for International Young Scholars 2021 is Open to Young Talents from Home and Abroad

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

Job Overview

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I. About the Forum

As the Communist Party of China celebrates its 100th anniversary, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) enters a new century, and Shenzhen City builds into a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, this year’s Forum, which focuses on the international academic frontier and major national strategic needs, is open to outstanding young scholars from home and abroad to have an in-depth discussion on forward-looking, fundamental and “thorny” issues in various ways including online reporting. At the same time, the excellent young scholars from home and abroad will have so deep an understanding of Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ), including its development strategy, teaching staff construction and scientific research achievements, and welcome to join us.

II. Application Requirements

1. An applicant shall be a would-be academic or technical talent aged 40 or below who holds a doctor’s degree, serves as a regular faculty or researcher at a prestigious foreign college or university, scientific research institution or corporate research institute, and has made scientific research achievements recognized by industry experts, has potential to become an academic or technical expert in the related areas.

2. Or an applicant who is to obtain a doctor’s degree from a prestigious foreign college or university or scientific research institution, has stood out conspicuously in the related area, and has great academic potential.

Among the applicants, those with outstanding performance can be directly hired as professors or associate professors through the Top-notch Young Talent Recruitment Program; those who fail to be engaged as faculty may be recommended for postdoctoral fellow position at HITSZ.

III. Forum Schedule

Mid-late December.

IV. Sign Up

Please visit HITSZ’s talent recruitment website ‘zp.hitsz.edu.cn’ by Chrome browser From October till the end of November 2021 to register for the Forum. Owing to the limited vacancy of the Forum, please submit an application as early as possible.

After application approval, HITSZ will send an invitation letter to every eligible applicant. Please attend the Forum on time under the guidance of the online conference software.

The latest date that the invitees will receive an invitation letter from the organizer will be mid-December 2021. If you don’t receive an invitation letter after this date, it means that the quota has been fulfilled.

V. Sub-Forum Settings

Each school/institute will organize a sub-forum online. Applicants can choose to attend one of the sub-forums according to their research interests. For interdisciplinary applicants, if they are interested in other schools/institutes, they can attend the sub-forums held by such schools/ institutes.

Contact Information of the Schools/Institutes of HITSZ:

School/Institute Discipline Academic Fields Contact
School of Computer Science and Technology Computer Science and Technology Computer Architecture Contact person: Wang Shanshan
Tel: 0755-26032461
Email: stshanshan@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://cs.hitsz.edu.cn/
Computer Software and Theory
Cyberspace Security
Computer Application Technology
School of Electronics and Information Engineering Electronics Science and Technology Integrated Photonic Device Design and Application Contact person: Han Jing
Tel: 0755-26507759
Email: hanjing001@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://eie.hitsz.edu.cn/
Laser Technology and Application
Micronano Devices and Application
Integrated Circuit Design and System
Information and Communication Engineering Space-Ground Integrated Information Network
Millimeter Waves and Terahertz Communications
Network Intelligence and Network Communications
Communication Security
Next-generation Wireless Communication
School of Electromechanical Engineering and Automation Electromechanical Engineering and Automation Mechanical Engineering Contact person: Chen Liying
Tel: 0755-86571034
Email: chenliying@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://smea.hitsz.edu.cn/
Control Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
Mechanics (Fluid Mechanics)
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Building Industrialization and Intelligent Construction Contact person: Yan Jiayi
Tel: 0755-26033506
Email: 13728601865@163.com
Website: http://sce.hitsz.edu.cn/
Urban Engineering Security and Disaster Prevention
Marine Civil Engineering and Intelligent Protection
Geotechnical and Underground Engineering
Environmental Science Environment and Human Health
Ecological remediation and water regeneration
Smart management of urban water safety based on artificial intelligence
School of Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Electronic Materials and Devices Contact person: Zhou Yuting
Tel: 0755-26038629
Email: zhouyuting@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://mse.hitsz.edu.cn/
Structural Materials and Additive Manufacturing
School of Architecture Architecture Architectural Design and Theory Contact person: Yang Weibing
Tel: 0755-26033088
Email: yangweibing@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://sau.hitsz.edu.cn/
Urban Design
Urban and Architecture History Theory
Smart City and Architecture
Interdisciplinary Urban Studies and New Technology Application
School of Economics and Management Economics&Management Economics (Innovation, Space, Health)
Contact person: Sun Yixi(Economics), Xie Shan(Accounting)
Email: hr.sem@outlook.com(Economics), xieshan@hit.edu.cn(Accounting)
Website: http://sem.hitsz.edu.cn/
School of Science Mechanics Mechanics Contact person: Tong Huimin
Tel: 0755-86102435
Email: tonghuimin@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://ssc.hitsz.edu.cn/
Mathematics Mathematics
Chemistry Chemistry
Physics Physics
Biology Biology
School of Humanities and Social Sciences English Applied Linguistics: English language teaching, second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, bilingual education, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, language testing Contact person: Chen Yanfei
Tel: 0755- 26035027
Email: 3023501751@qq.com
Website: http://shss.hitsz.edu.cn/
Design Digital media design: visual communication design, interactive interface design, network design, film and television animation design, virtual reality application and other fields
Social Sciences Public policy and management, politics and international relations, sociology, pedagogy, applied psychology, public health, international law, environmental and resource law, constitution and administrative law, world history, history of science and technology and philosophy of science, etc
Physical Education Basketball, volleyball, martial art, shuttlecock, rope skipping, sports dance, taekwondo, athletics
School of Marxism Marxist Theory Basic Principles of Marxism (including Studies on Dialectics of Nature) Contact person: Zhang Xueyao
Tel: 0755-22673224
Email: zhangxueyao@hit.edu.cn
Localization of Marxism in China (Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics)
Ideological and Political Education
Modern Chinese History (including History of the Communist Party of China, History of the People’s Republic of China, History of China’s Reform and Opening-up)
Institute of Space Sciences and Applied Technology Space Sciences and Applied Technology Space Weather Contact person: Cui Lijun
Tel: 0755-26611417
Email: cuilijun@hit.edu.cn
Website: http://issat.hitsz.edu.cn/index.jsp
Navigation and Remote Sensing
Planetary Science
Space Physics
Spacecraft System
Guidance, Navigation and Control
Aerospace Big Data Processing
Institute of Special Environments Physical Sciences Marine Science Corrosion Electrochemistry/Chemistry Contact person: Yang Wei
Tel: 0755-26403010
Email: yangwei2019@hit.edu.cn
Microbiological Corrosion
Marine Bioecology
Electronic Science and Technology Radiation Hardening of Devices
Solid State Physics
Integrated Circuit Design
Nuclear Science Radiation Effect and Irradiation Damage
Preparation and Processing of Advanced Irradiation-Resistant Materials
Ion Beam Application, Calculation and Simulation
Accelerator Physics Accelerator Design (Tandem, Circular)
Nuclear Physics
Materials Processing Ion Implantation Technology for Third-Generation Semiconductor Devices
Additive Manufacturing, Welding and Material Forming
Inter-discipline Internet of Things
Big Data
Institute of International Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Contact person: Yuan Hongyu
Tel: 13901376848
Email: yuanhongyu@hit.edu.cn
Internet of Things
Computer systems and Networking
Sensing and HCI
Smart City
Wise Information Technology of med
Industrial Software
International School of Design Architecture Architectural Design and Theory Contact person: Zhao Ziyu
Tel: 0755-26923185
Email: zhaoziyu@hit.edu.cn
Design Visual Media
Industrial Design

VI. University Profile

Founded in 1920, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) is a national key university of science and engineering committed to the coordinated development of multiple subjects including science, engineering, management, literature, economics, law, and art, and a member of the C9 League (C9). In 2017, HIT was named a class-A university on the list of “Double First-Class” University Project. HIT has 9 national first-level key subjects and 6 national second-level key subjects. In the third round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, HIT had 10 of its first-level subjects rank among top five nationwide, especially, its mechanics ranked first. In the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, HIT had 17 of its subjects listed as class A, ranking sixth nationwide in terms of discipline excellence rate (the ratio of class-A subjects to the authorized subjects), ranking eighth nationwide in terms of the number of class-A subjects, and ranking second nationwide in terms of the number of engineering subjects.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ), jointly established by HIT and the Shenzhen Municipal Government, is a key campus of HIT, a university located in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, the first member of C9, also in the list of ‘Project 985’and ‘Double First Class-A’ university to settle down in Shenzhen for undergraduate admission. HITSZ was formerly known as the HIT Shenzhen Graduate School, which was founded in 2002. As a test field for the higher education reform of HIT, a bridgehead for gathering high-caliber talents, and a demonstration area for international cooperative schooling, HITSZ is an important part of HIT’s goal of becoming a ‘world-class university with Chinese characteristics and with HIT Standards’, an important player in Shenzhen’s higher education system, a pilot zone for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a model city for building China into a great modern socialist country.

Currently, HITSZ has more than 600 full-time faculty members, more than 150 part-time faculty members, more than 200 in-service postdoctoral fellows, and more than 8,900 full-time students. It has 6 subject categories, including science, engineering, management, economics, literature and art, covering 23 first-level subjects, which are offered at its 10 schools and 4 institutes. There will be 900 faculty members and 10,000 students at HITSZ in 2023.

VII. High-end Working Platform

HITSZ is building a number of domestic first-class and world-renowned large-scale high-end scientific research platforms to provide support for the world’s top scientists in carrying out cutting-edge research and achieving leading results. The platforms include:

1. Scientific and Applied Research Facility for Special Environmental Materials and Devices

The facility is based on the National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure – Space Environment Simulation and Research Infrastructure, with a total investment of about 1.16 billion yuan. The plan is to build a scientific research and industrial development-oriented innovative technological Infrastructure to provide theoretical and technical support for the development of relevant industries in Shenzhen, including aerospace, ocean engineering, intelligent manufacturing, extreme manufacturing, nuclear industry, electronic information, and advanced instruments and equipment. The goal is to serve Shenzhen in promoting its scientific research, major instrument and equipment development, and talent introduction, and to promote the development of high-tech industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. After establishment, the facility will be complementary to HIT’s facilities in Harbin to exploit its overall advantages to the full. It will become the world’s largest, best-featured, and most advanced special environments physical sciences research facility that focuses on exploring space, oceans, and nuclear reactors. The facility will consist of five research systems: Space Irradiation Environment Simulation and Research System, Marine Corrosion Environment Simulation and Research System, Nuclear Radiation Environment Simulation and Research System, Materials / Devices Fabrication and Characterization System, and Comprehensive Test Information Processing System.

2. Key Laboratory Cluster

The cluster consists of 5 national key laboratories and 3 academician laboratories at HITSZ, including the “State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resources and Environment (Shenzhen)”, “State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System (Shenzhen)”, “State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining (Shenzhen)”, “State Key Laboratory of Tunable Laser Technology (Shenzhen)”, and “State Key Laboratory of Special environmental Composite Technology”, which are state key laboratories built in Shenzhen in the “one-laboratory-for-two-region” mode, as well as the “Laboratory of Spatial Information Network and Application”, “Laboratory of Cyberspace Security” and “Laboratory of Urban Engineering Security”, built by academicians.

3. Nobel Laureate’s Laboratory

The Sauvage Intelligent New Materials Laboratory, built with the support of HITSZ, will receive a total subsidy of 100 million yuan in the coming five years. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016, serves as the Laboratory Chief, while Prof. Li Mingyu, Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, HITSZ, acts as the Executive Director. Aiming at the latest development trend of intelligent new materials and committed to solving major scientific problems existing in the field of materials science and engineering, the laboratory carries out research on five aspects, including intelligent new material-based micro-nano machinery and intelligent sensing, biological application of new 2D atomic crystal materials, intelligent quantum materials and flexible sensors, flexible intelligent electrochemical energy storage devices, and intelligent molecular design-based energetic materials. After five years’ construction and development, the laboratory will form 1-2 international leading research directions, produce 1-2 internationally influential innovative achievements, create an innovative talent training and technological innovation model, and build a world-class intelligent material innovation platform.

VIII. Benefits and working conditions

(I) Benefits for faculty

1. Annual Salary: competitive salary (of 350,000-1,500,000 yuan) is provided.

2. Office conditions: A basic office area is provided.

3. Scientific research funds: Provided according to the job grade and field of discipline.

4. Rewards for “Shenzhen Peacock” post holders: 240-600 thousand yuan is provided to anybody with high academic competence hired for a right “Shenzhen Peacock” post (rewards are provided on a 3-year cycle, and those who make outstanding achievements will be given rewards for up to three cycles). Related services are rendered to the post holders, who are also preferentially recommended to apply for various talent programs under the same conditions.

5. Scientific research funds from Shenzhen City: After being hired for a right “Shenzhen Peacock” post, the post holder can apply for scientific research funds from Shenzhen City. Shenzhen City and HITSZ will offer 2-5 million yuan as scientific research startup funds according to the talent grade and research subject.

6. Residential facilities: HR Department of HITSZ responsible for rendering services to talents by offering them working and living facilities timely and assisting their school-age children in attending a first-class kindergarten, primary school or middle school in Shenzhen.

Kindergarten: Taoyuan Kindergarten;

Primary and secondary schools: Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Experimental School.

7. Housing benefits: Teachers can rent low-rent houses at rental price lower than the market. The applicant can apply for a low-rent house and a “Shenzhen Peacock” post at the same time.

(II) Benefits for post-doctors

Annual salary: About 260,000-340,000 yuan (including 180,000 yuan as a subsidy to an in-service post-doctor, social insurance and housing fund. In addition, the doctoral supervisor can give a perquisite to a post-doctor according to the job performance).

2. Scientific research funds: Any post-doctor that settles down in Shenzhen after leaving the postdoctoral center will receive 300,000 yuan as scientific research funds from the Shenzhen government.

3. Housing benefits: Teachers can rent low-rent houses at rental price lower than the market.

4. Living support: Household registration permit along with the spouse and children.

5. Outstanding post-doctors: An outstanding post-doctor named by HITSZ (about 30%) is given 120,000 yuan in a lump sum as a reward. An “outstanding post-doctor” that meets the threshold standards of a certain discipline has priority to apply for a scientific research or teaching post at HITSZ.

6. Housing allowance in Shenzhen City: Any post-doctor that settles down in Shenzhen after leaving the postdoctoral center and meets the municipal requirements for reserve talents will receive 1.6 million yuan as a housing allowance, which will be provided over a period of five years.

IX. Contact Information

Contact person for faculty recruitment: Mr. Xu, Ms. Yang

Tel: +86-755-26908264; 26626221

Email: xujianping@hit.edu.cn; yangzhixi@hit.edu.cn

Contact person for post-doctor recruitment: Ms. Sun

Tel: +86-755- 86249132

Email: sunqianyan@hit.edu.cn

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