Job Opportunities at Sichuan University

Sichuan University

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Sichuan University (SCU) is one of China’s key universities under the direct supervision of Ministry of Education. Located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in West China, the hometown of the Giant panda, the SCU has 30 academic colleges and is identified as a key high-level comprehensive research university under National Project 985 and Project 211.

As one of the nation’s largest, most diverse universities, the SCU offers challenging career opportunities in a comprehensive range of disciplines covering 12 categoriesi.e. Liberal Arts, Philosophy, Economics, Education, Law, Arts, History, Science, Engineering, Agricultures, Medicine and Management at its 3 campuses. The SCU has won national recognition for the excellence of its faculty. Positions at the SCU offer competitive compensation and benefits, a supportive environment, and the opportunity to advance. We look forward to you joining the ranks of the renowned scholars and researchers who make the SCU an outstanding university.

We offer a package of Talent Program for different talents. On entering one of the following programs, we will accordingly provide starting research funds, equipment, daily expenses and fees for international academic exchanges. We will also provide support in terms of salaries, housing, offices, laboratories, research assistants and graduate students.


I. Program of Hundred Young Talents in Liberal Art and Social Science (Full-time)

This program aims at recruiting excellent talents who are under 45 and with doctorate of renowned international universities or research institutes. The applicants shall be the top-notch talents in the field of Liberal Art and Social Science or the related interdisciplines.

On entering this program, they shall be full time in the SCU. The talents, when employed, can choose to enter negotiable annual salary system or regular public institution system. In either of the above systems, the talents will be offered the starting research fund within the range of CNY 100,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan. The pay scale for talents choosing annual salary system is negotiable and within the range of CNY 150,000 Yuan to 300,000 Yuan or more depending on the academic capability of the talents. The pay scale for the regular public institution system is equivalent with that of a full teacher at Sichuan University.


II. Program of Young scholars from Renowned Universities or Institutes (Full-time)

For this program, we are looking for excellent talents, in the area of Natural Science, Medicine, and Engineering,
A. who are under 40 years old and with doctorate from the top 100 international universities or research institutes (or from top 30 disciplines in the world). They will be given an academic title of Researcher under a negotiable annual salary pay scale within the range of 150,000 Yuan to 200,000 Yuan. They are offered 300,000 Yuan as starting research fund.
B. who are under 35 years old and with doctorate of renowned universities both home and abroad. They will be given an academic title of Associate Researcher under a negotiable annual salary pay scale within the range of 100,000 Yuan to 150,000 Yuan. They are offered 200,000 Yuan as starting research fund.

We provide a fix-term and non-renewable four-year contract. The talents can choose to enter other talents programs in the SCU according to their academic performance assessment after the contract ends.

Besides, talents who are eligible candidates for National Young 1000 Talents Plan will be encouraged and supported to apply for it.


III. Excellent Scholars Program(Full-time)

We are looking for eminent scholars from both home and abroad, for example, Academician of Academy of Sciences or Academy of Engineering, Elected experts of National 1000 Talents Plan, Distinguished professor of National Chang Jiang Scholar Program, receivers of National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholar, National Eminent Teachers, or scholars working as professors in equivalent positions in famous universities or research institutes. Scholars with a team that is willing to come to work in the SCU would be preferable. On entering this program, they should be full-time researchers in Sichuan University.


IV. Foreign Teachers Program (Full-time or Part-time)

This program aims at attracting two levels of teachers with a non-Chinese nationality. The foreign teachers can work full or part time under a 3 to 5-year-contract at a fix or non-fix time every year (for the part-time foreign teachers, the minimun workload at Sichuan University shall be no less than ONE month per year ).

.Level 1: Full time or Part time High-end Foreign Teachers

We are looking for Nobel Prize receiver, academician of National Academy of Science/Engineering in developed countries, or renowned professors in world-class universities or research institutes who are under 70 and with a good health condition. We provide them competitive salary, local insurance, fee for international travel and accommodation in the SCU, and a research assistant for each who is also a young full teacher in the SCU. Salary scale will be within the range of 400,000 Yuan to 1250,000 Yuan per year for the full-times and 30,000 Yuan to 100,000 Yuan per month for part-times.

. Level 2: Full-time Foreign Teachers

We are looking for foreign teachers under 65 and with doctorate of the renowned international universities or research institutes with years of teaching or research experiences in university or research institutes. Salary scale will be within the range of 100,000 Yuan to 600,000 Yuan per year for the full time.

For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Ms. Ou, Xiaohui; Ms. Wang, Juan
Human Resource Department of SCU

Address: Sichuan University, No.24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China. 610065
Tel: 0086-028-8540-5390
Fax: 0086-028-8540-5915


Background information for the 1000 Talents Plan (Recruitment of global experts):

In December, 2008, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party made a decision to have high-level talents from overseas come to work in China. They proposed the 1000 Talents Plan.
Sichuan University has benefited from the Plan, with introduction of top scientists, promotion of academic research and education.

Eligibility for the Plan:
This plan mainly aims at recruiting two types of talents, one type for the long-term research and the other for short-term.
There is also a special program under the 1000 talents Plan for young researchers.
They should be under 40 and have obtained a doctorate degree in world-famous universities or research institutes, and have no less than three years of overseas working experience.

For more detailed information of the 1000 Talents Plan, please visit the Website:


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