Foreign Japanese Teacher 杭州の日本語教師

Tourism College of Zhejiang

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人员需求 Faculty demand

1 Japanese teacher.

岗位要求 Job Requirement

  • 外籍教师应当具有学士及以上学位和 2 年以上相关工作经历,承担语言类教学工作的外籍教师原则上应从事其母语国母语教学,且相关工作经历应为语言教育。
    Foreign teachers should have a bachelor’s degree or above and more than 2 years of relevant work experience. In principle, foreign teachers who undertake language teaching should be engaged in teaching their mother tongue, and the relevant work experience should be language education.
  • 具有以下条件之一的,可免除工作经历要求:取得国籍国教师资格证书的;取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书的;获得相关专业博士学位的;拥有教育类、语言类和师范类学士及以上学位的。
    Those who meet one of the following conditions may be exempted from the work experience requirements: those who have obtained the teacher qualification certificate of the country of nationality; Obtaining a qualified international language teaching certificate; Obtaining a doctoral degree in the related fields; Having a bachelor’s degree or above in education, language, and teacher education.
  • 无相关工作经验或非教育类、语言类专业的英语教师岗位应届毕业生应聘者需提供达到120小时的TESOL /TEFL证书。
    Fresh graduate applicants for English Teacher have neither related working experiences nor degrees in Education or Linguistic major need to provide 120-hour TESOL/TEFL certificate.
  • 无相关工作经验或非教育类、语言类专业的日语教师岗位应聘者需提供由日本文化厅或授权学校颁发的教学资格证。
    Applicants for Japanese Teacher have neither related working experiences nor degrees in Education or Linguistic major need to provide Japanese Teaching Certificate issued by Agency of Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan or authorized academy.
  • 一年合同期限(每年 9 月或 2 月)
    1-Year contract from every September or February
  • 周课时量不超过 16 课时
    No more than 16 lessons per week

工资 ( Salary RMB, 11-mon/year)

  • 本科 BA 8000/M
  • 硕士 MA 9000/M
  • 博士 PhD 10000/M
  • 副教授或同等职称增加 6000元/月
    Extra 6000/M with Associate Professor or equivalent titles
  • 教授或同等职称增加 8000元/月
    Extra 8000/M with Professor or equivalent titles

福利待遇 Subsidy(RMB)

  • 机票补贴 Air ticket 9000/Y
  • 旅游补贴 Domestic Travel 2200/Y
  • 午餐补贴 Lunch 600/M *10
  • 商业保险 Commercial Insurance for whole contract period
  • 提供设施齐全的校内教师公寓
    Apartment with furniture in campus will be provided for free, or 2000RMB subsidy by rental contract for living outside.
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Company Information
  • Total Jobs 3 Jobs
  • Location Hangzhou
  • Full Address Xuezhi Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Website